Environmental Systems and Hydrology
Mission Statement: We pick topics in environmental science because they are important for planetary and human health. Also because they are interesting science and we are curious. But most often we select topics for both reasons: they are important and intriguing. Our projects involve climate change, hydrology, ecology, and biogeochemistry. Groundwater percolates through the foundations of most projects. We have built field programs to study arsenic contamination in Bangladesh and to study tropical peatlands in Borneo. We construct mathematical and computational models, conduct field experiments, and do laboratory experiments. Most people in our group have done some of all three.
Images. Above: a view from our eddy flux tower across the canopy of peat swamp forest, 65-meters above the peat surface. Left: manual well drilling of 100-meter well in Bangladesh.
Peatlands and Wetlands
Peatlands are oxidizing, subsiding, releasing carbon dioxide, burning, and emitting huge plumes of smoke. With data from our unique field stations in Borneo, we have developed a…
Carbon Capture and Sequestration
We are critically evaluating Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) as a technology for reducing carbon emissions. We are uniquely positioned to evaluate CCS as a climate change…
Coastal Groundwater
We combine field experiments with numerical modeling to study seawater-groundwater interaction over tidal, lunar, and seasonal cycles. Understanding the physics of flowing water provides the foundation for…
Arsenic in Groundwater, Bangladesh and Vietnam
Over one-hundred million people in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Myanmar are drink dangerous concentrations of arsenic from wells. Our work is focused in Bangladesh…
Reactive Transport and Groundwater Flow
Videos of reactive transport experiments in highly heterogeneous media. Videos of reactive transport experiments in moderately heterogeneous media. Videos of reactive transport experiments in homogeneous media. Videos…