We are critically evaluating Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) as a technology for reducing carbon emissions. We are uniquely positioned to evaluate CCS as a climate change solution because of our unique combination of independence and experience in the field. We differ from most researchers working on CCS because we are not funded by oil companies.
We work with a range of collaborators, from groups focussing on environmental justice, to federal policy groups, to other scientists and engineers, many of whom are part of the Science Roundtable on Carbon Capture and Storage, an expert group formed to provide evidence-based assessment of carbon capture and storage.
This BBC documentary places CCS in the context of the ongoing efforts of oil companies to continue to produce fossil fuels. I recommend it!

Recent CCS Papers
- Philanthropy Is Wasting Time and Money on Carbon Capture, 2024, Inside Philanthropy, (Robert D. Bullard Charles F. Harvey and Bakeyah S. Nelson)
- Direct air capture: An expensive, dangerous distraction from real climate solutions, 2023, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, (Kurt Zenz House, Josh Goldman, Charles F. Harvey)
- Every Dollar Spent on This Climate Technology Is a Waste., 2022, New York Times, guest editorial, (C Harvey, K House)
- The Energy Penalty of Post-Combustion CO2 Capture and Storage and Implications for Retrofitting the Installed Base, Energy and Environmental Science, 2009, (K. House, C. F. Harvey, M. Aziz, D. Schrag).
- Permanent Carbon Dioxide Storage in Deep-Sea Sediments, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 2006, (K. House, D. Schrag, C. F. Harvey, K. Lackner).